Comparison of electric heat tracing and steam tracing and an overview of self-limiting temperature electric heat tracing

Electric heat tracing is a heat preservation method, and steam heat tracing is also a heat preservation method. What is the difference between the two? What is self-limiting electric heat tracing?

These issues are also the main content of this article. let’s start the formal introduction.

Part 1: Comparison of electric and steam tracing.

The definition of electric heat tracing has been introduced before, so I will not repeat it here. Let’s talk about steam heat tracing first.

Steam tracing: It is mainly used for thermal insulation of industrial pipelines. The principle is to supplement the heat loss of the insulated pipeline with the heat emitted by the steam tracing pipeline. Because its heat is not easily controlled, the thermal insulation efficiency is not high, and it is sometimes not very convenient when laying.

Compared with electric heat tracing, steam tracing has the following three aspects:

The process pipeline heat tracing consumes a large amount of steam, and the cost is also large.

The heat tracing pipeline needs to be maintained, including line inspection, maintenance and renewal and other maintenance costs.

Electric heat tracing can self-regulate the calorific value, which is more energy-saving, while steam heat tracing only uses part of the heat energy, and some cannot be used, which is wasted in vain.

In the process of chemical production, steam tracing is a traditional heat preservation method for fluid material transportation and storage. It has certain shortcomings, such as local material overheating, sometimes freezing, and pipe transportation and storage of strong corrosive materials that are easy to partially corrode and penetrate, etc. , But electric heat tracing does not have these problems, and it is easy to install and maintain, safe and reliable, and the operating cost is lower than that of steam heat tracing, so it will definitely replace steam heat tracing in the future.

Part II: Self-limiting temperature electric tracing.

Self-limiting electric heat tracing, also known as heating cable, conducts electricity through the conductors on both sides, so that the semiconductor material in the middle generates heat. Generally, the semiconductor material is made of PTC material, which can control the temperature by itself at a preset temperature value.

Self-limiting temperature electric heat tracing can be divided into three types, low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature. Medium and low temperature are more in actual use. Explain that the temperature here includes two meanings, which refers to the temperature that can be maintained in use and the highest resistance temperature. The maximum maintenance temperature of low temperature self-limiting electric tracing is 65℃, and the maximum temperature resistance is 100℃; the maximum maintenance temperature of medium temperature self-limiting electric tracing is 90℃, and the maximum temperature resistance is 135℃. It can also be divided into basic type, shielded type, anti-corrosion type and shielded anti-corrosion type.

Self-limiting electric heat tracing is mainly used in petroleum, chemical, steel, electric power and other industries, mainly for heat tracing and insulation of pipelines or storage tanks, as well as anti-coagulation and anti-freezing.

Jiangsu Weineng Electric Co.,Ltd is profession manufacturer of various types of industrial electric heater, everything is customized in our factory, Should you have any questions please feel free to come back to us.

Contact: Lorena
Mobile: 0086 153 6641 6606 (Wechat/Whatsapp ID)

Post time: Apr-14-2022